The Email Marketing Roadmap For Wineries

2022 Edition


Email is the most effective digital sales channel for any winery. It provides the best ROI considering the relatively low cost of email platforms like Mailchimp and the high average order value. However, most wineries misuse the power of email and have yet to graduate to the next generation of email marketing.

Too often, wineries focus on selling what they want to sell instead of what the customer wants to buy. The traditional model of sending 2-3 emails a month can be effective, but is broken. It does not take into account where these customers are in the customer journey. It is a one size fits all message that is not likely to resonate. Instead, you should be creating customer journeys and automations that guide customers through the funnel.

The most effective emails meet the customer where they are in the journey. Utilizing a platform like Mailchimp and an integration with an ecommerce platform like Commerce7 or WineDirect, you can set up automated journeys. This roadmap contains suggested frameworks of journeys based on where the customer is in the funnel. You can follow these formulas, but know that there is a ton of room for you to improvise.


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